Page 322 - Documents for the COPC of BS Nursing Program
P. 322

                                      NUTRITION AND DIET THERAPY

                                                 used in             gastrointestinal                                                        Caudal, Maria Lourdes C.
                                                 Nutrition           disorders.                                                              (2019). Basic nutrition and
                                                 Education                               Case studies and group     Case study               diet therapy : textbook  for
                                                 and                                     discussions on the         analysis where students   nursing students 2  Edition.
                                                 Counseling                              analysis of scientific     will be required to      QC: C&E. F 613.2 C31 2019
                                               Programs and                             evidence supporting the    analyze the scientific
                                                 Services            Analyze the scienti
                                                                                         use of dietary             evidence supporting the
                                                 available in        fic
                                                 GO’s or NGO’s       evidence supporti   modification and dietary   use of dietary
                                                                     ng the use of       therapy in the             modification and
                                                                                         management of various      dietary therapy in the
                                                                     dietary modificatio
                                                                     n and dietary       health conditions, and the  management of various
                                                                     therapy in the      critical appraisal of the   health conditions, and
                                                                     management of       quality of the evidence.   design evidence-based
                                         Evidenced Based             various health                                 dietary modification
                                         Guidelines (EBG) in
                                         Nursing Practice            conditions, and                                and dietary therapy
                                                                     critically appraise                            plans for individuals
                                               Major                the quality of the                             with unique nutritional
                                                 Recommend           evidence.
                                         Background Information                          Practical                  Practical
                                               Reference List                           workshops where
                                                                                         students will design       assessment where
                                         Legal Mandates Related                          evidence-based dietary     students will be
                                         to Nutrition and Diet                                                      required to design
                                         therapy.                                        modification and dietary   evidence-based dietary
                                                                                         therapy plans for          modification and
                               WEEK            Presidential                             individuals with various
                                  15-            Decree 491:                             health conditions, taking   dietary therapy plans
                                  16             Nutrition Act of    Design evidence-    into account their unique   for individuals with    Caudal, Maria Lourdes C.
                                                                     based dietary
                                                 the Philippines     modification and    nutritional needs, dietary   various health         (2019). Basic nutrition and
                                                                                                                    conditions, taking into
                                                                                                                                             diet therapy : textbook  for

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