Page 341 - Documents for the COPC of BS Nursing Program
P. 341

CAGAYAN STATE UNIVERSITY                                                                                               8
                                 NCM 106 - PHARMACOLOGY

                                     o  Demonstrate proficiency in conducting comprehensive and culturally sensitive assessments of mothers and
                                         children who are at risk or have health problems.
                                     o  Implement advanced clinical management strategies to address complex maternal and pediatric health issues

                          RUBRIC FOR ASSESSMENT TO BE USED FOR Major Competencies Outputs (MCOs)

                          Nursing Care Plan Assessment Rubric

                             Criteria            Excellent (20 points)              Good (15 points)             Satisfactory (10 points)      Needs Improvement (5         Score

                                          Comprehensive and detailed          Adequate assessment with       Basic assessment performed       Incomplete assessment
                                          assessment of patient needs         minor omissions in physical,   but lacks details and depth in   with significant
                                          including all relevant physical,    emotional, or social factors.   some areas.                     omissions of critical
                                          emotional, and social factors.                                                                      patient information.

                                          Accurate and specific nursing       Correct nursing diagnoses,     Appropriate diagnoses but with  Nursing diagnoses are
                                          diagnoses that clearly relate to    generally well prioritized but   some issues in clarity or      incorrect or not clearly
                                          assessment findings and are         could be more specific.        prioritization.                  connected to assessment
                                          prioritized.                                                                                        findings.

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