Page 344 - Documents for the COPC of BS Nursing Program
P. 344

CAGAYAN STATE UNIVERSITY                                                                                              11
                                 NCM 106 - PHARMACOLOGY

                                               Presents in a highly
                                               professional manner, with       Generally professional in       Satisfactory                 Lacks professionalism in
                           Professionalism                                     attire and demeanor, with       professionalism, but could   several aspects of attire or
                                               appropriate attire and
                                               demeanor.                       minor lapses.                   be more consistent.          demeanor.

                                               Excellent time management,      Good time management,           Adequate time management,  Poor time management,
                           Time                finishes within the allocated   mostly keeps to the allotted    presentation may be slightly  presentation is too rushed or
                           Management          time with a well-paced          time.                           rushed or overextended.      significantly overextends.

                                                                                                               Responds to questions
                                               Responds to questions with      Responds to questions well                                   Struggles to respond to
                           Response to         accurate, concise, and          with only minor inaccuracies    adequately, but some         questions clearly or
                           Questions                                                                           answers lack clarity or
                                               thoughtful answers.             or hesitations.                                              accurately.


                           Legend              81-100 Excellent                51-80 Good                      21-50 Satisfactory           20 Unsatisfactory


                                     References:
                                     1. Favaro, Mary Kaye Asperheim  and Justin Favaro. Introduction to Pharmacology. 12th Edition. 2012. North Carolina, USA:
                                     2. Hodgson, Barbara B.  & Robert J. Kizior. Saunders Nursing Drug Handbook. 1st ed. 2014. IL, USA:Saunders.
                                     3. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.Nursing Pharmacology Made Incredibly Easy. 2016. 4th ed. USA: LWW.
                                     4. Lilley, Linda Lane, Pharmacology and the Nursing Process. 8th edition.2017. Virginia, USA.: Mosby.
                                      5. Workman, M. Linda and Linda A. LaCharity. Study Guide for Understanding Pharmacology: Essentials for Medication
                                      Safety.  2nd Edition. 2016. Ohio, USA: Saunders.

                                                                                                                                                     Revision No. 07 January 31, 2024
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