Page 350 - Documents for the COPC of BS Nursing Program
P. 350

CAGAYAN STATE UNIVERSITY                                                                                                              4
                                NCM107 Care of Mother, Child and Family (Well Client)

                          Week 2        INTRODUCTION OF               At the end of the        Lecture-discussion    Pencil-Paper test     Pilliteri, Adele, (2010).   Face to Face
                                        MATERNAL AND CHILD              session, students                                                  Maternal and Child Health
                                        HEALTH CARE                     are expected to:                             Case paper            Nursing Care of the
                                        CONCEPTS                      •      Describe the                                                  Childbearing and
                                    A.  Review of the Anatomy and     anatomy and                Interactive                              Childbearing Family, 6th :
                                        Physiology of the Male and    physiology pertinent for     Discussion                              Pilliteri, Adele, (2010).
                                        Female Reproductive           reproductive and           Experiential
                                        System                        sexual health.               learning
                                        Female External Genitalia     •      Discuss the
                                        Female Internal               menstrual cycle
                                        Reproductive Organ
                                        Male External Genitalia       •      Explain the
                                        Male Internal Reproductive    different aspects of
                                        Organ                         human sexuality.
                                    B.  Menstrual Cycle               •      Identify ethico-
                                    C.  Human Sexuality               legal concepts
                                        Sexual Response Cycle         embodied in maternal
                                        Types of Sexual Orientation  and child care.
                                    D.  Ethico-legal Aspects of       •      Formulate
                                        Maternal and Child Health     nursing diagnoses
                                        Care                          related to reproductive
                                                                      and sexual health.
                                                                      •      Identify
                                                                      interventions for
                                                                      reproductive and
                                                                      sexual health
                                                                      •      Plan nursing
                                                                      care related to
                                                                      anatomic and
                                                                      physiologic readiness
                                                                      for childbearing or
                                                                      sexual health.

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