Page 351 - Documents for the COPC of BS Nursing Program
P. 351

CAGAYAN STATE UNIVERSITY                                                                                                              5
                                NCM107 Care of Mother, Child and Family (Well Client)

                                                                      •      Implement
                                                                      nursing care related to
                                                                      reproductive and
                                                                      sexual health .
                                                                      •      Evaluate
                                                                      expected outcomes for
                                                                      achievement and
                                                                      effectiveness of care.
                          Week         II. CARE OF THE MOTHER         At  the end of the         Lecture-           • Pencil-Paper test   Pilliteri, Adele, (2010).   Face to Face
                          3  - 4       AND THE FETUS DURING           discussions, the            discussion                               Maternal and Child Health
                                       THE PRENATAL PERIOD            student will be able to:     Journal Reading    • Reaction Paper    Nursing Care of the
                                       A.  Stages of Fetal                                        Practice Q and    • Case Studies        Childbearing and
                                           Development                     Describe      the     A                                        Childbearing Family, 6th :
                                           1.  Fertilization                 growth      and     Self directed                            Pilliteri, Adele, (2010).
                                           2.  Implantation                  development  of
                                       B.  Embryonic and Fetal               a    fetus   by      learning
                                           Structures                        gestation week
                                          1.  The Decidua                  Describe
                                          2.  Chorionic Villi                common
                                          3.  The Placenta                   psychological
                                          4.  The Umbilical Cord             and  physiologic
                                          5.  The Amniotic                   changes     that
                                              Membranes                      occur       with
                                          6.  The Amniotic                   pregnancy,  the
                                              Membranes                      underlying
                                          7.  The Amniotic Fluid             principles   for
                                       C.  Origin and Development            these  changes,
                                           of Organ Systems                  and          the
                                       D.  Milestones of Fetal               relationship  of
                                           Growth and Development            the  changes  to
                                       E.  Fetal Circulation                 pregnancy
                                       F.  Common Teratogens and             diagnosis
                                           their Effects                   Describe  areas
                                       G.  Assessment of Fetal               of  assessment
                                           Growth and Development            commonly

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