Page 353 - Documents for the COPC of BS Nursing Program
P. 353

CAGAYAN STATE UNIVERSITY                                                                                                              7
                                NCM107 Care of Mother, Child and Family (Well Client)

                                       K.  Psychological Changes             woman’s overall
                                           of Pregnancy                      health status
                                           1.  Effects of Pregnancy        Assess a
                                              on the:                        woman for
                                              a.  Father                     health practices
                                              b.  Siblings                   and concerns
                                           2.  Emotional responses           during
                                              to pregnancy                   pregnancy
                                           3.  Cultural Practices          Assess a
                                              that Affect Labor and          couple for
                                              Delivery                       readiness for
                                       L.  Discomforts of                    childbirth in
                                           Pregnancy                         regard to
                                           1.  First Trimester               choice of birth
                                           2.  Second Trimester              attendant,
                                           3.  Third Trimester               preparation for
                                       M.  Nutritional Requirements          labor and
                                           of a Pregnant Client              parenting
                                           1.  Maternal weight  gain       Formulate
                                           2.  Nutritional                   nursing
                                              requirements                   diagnoses
                                       N.  Prenatal Exercises                related to:
                                           1.  Perineal Exercises            A.   the needs
                                           2.  Abdominal Exercises              of the
                                           3.  Tailor Sitting                   pregnant
                                           4.  Squatting                        woman and
                                           5.  Kegel Exercises                  her fetus
                                           6.  Pelvic Rocking              B. the
                                           7.  Abdominal Muscle              psychological
                                              Contraction                    and physical
                                       O.  Childbirth preparation            changes of
                                           methods                           pregnancy
                                           1.  Bradley                     Formulate
                                           2.  Lamaze                        nursing
                                           3.  HydnoBirthing                 diagnoses r

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