Page 374 - Documents for the COPC of BS Nursing Program
P. 374

CAGAYAN STATE UNIVERSITY                                                                                                             28
                                NCM107 Care of Mother, Child and Family (Well Client)

                                  XV.        Anthropometric
                                 XVI.        Prevention of
                                             infection and injury
                                 XVII.       Eye prophylaxis
                                XVIII.       Immunizations
                                 XIX.        Newborn Screening
                                  XX.        Baby Bath
                                             Circumcision Care

                        Rubrics for CASE PRESENTATION

                                                      Excellent                    Good                        Fair                         Poor
                                                      4pts.                        3 pts                       2 pts                        1 pt
                          Organization                Presents findings and        Presents findings and       nformation and graphics      The presentation is
                                                      conclusions in an            conclusions with some       are placed haphazardly on  disorganized.
                                                      organized manner.            degree of organization.     the page
                          Content Accuracy            Covers essential chapter     Includes essential & some   Includes some essential      Includes little essential
                                                      material completely and in   non-essential information   chapter information. Lots    information from the
                                                      depth. All content           from chapter. Content is    of unexplained facts listed.  chapter.
                                                      throughout presentation is   mostly accurate but there   The content is generally     Content is typically
                                                      accurate. There are no       is one piece of information   accurate, but one piece of   confusing or contains more
                                                      factual errors.              that might be inaccurate or  information is clearly      than one factual error.
                                                                                   not fully developed - just   flawed or inaccurate.
                                                                                   repeated from book
                                                                                   without explanation.

                          Visuals                     All charts, pictures and     A few charts, pictures and   all charts, pictures and    Several charts, pictures or
                                                      handouts are attractive      handouts are not attractive  handouts are attractive but  handouts are unattractive
                                                      and support the topic of     but all support the content   a few don't seem to        AND detract from the
                                                      the presentation. Font       of the presentation. Font   support                      content of the
                                                      formats have been            formats have been           the content of the           presentation. Font formats
                                                      carefully planned to         planned to enhance          presentation. Font formats   make it difficult to read the
                                                      enhance readability.         readability.                have been planned to         material.
                                                                                                               complement topic, but may
                                                                                                               be a little difficult to read.

                                                                                                                                     Revision No. 07 January 31, 2024
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