Page 375 - Documents for the COPC of BS Nursing Program
P. 375

CAGAYAN STATE UNIVERSITY                                                                                                             29
                                NCM107 Care of Mother, Child and Family (Well Client)

                          Spelling and Grammar        Presentation has no          Presentation has 1-2        Presentation has 1-2         Presentation has more
                                                      misspellings or              misspellings, but no        grammatical errors, but not  than 2 grammatical and/or
                                                      grammatical errors.          grammatical error.          misspellings.                spelling errors.
                          Individual Oral             Student presented the        Student presented the       Student had many             Student was unable to
                          Presentation Skills         material with confidence,    material but could have     difficulties presenting      complete presentation
                                                      enthusiasm, proper voice     been more confident.        material. Some difficulty    before the class. Great
                                                      projection, good eye         Adequate preparation and    communicating ideas, due     difficulty communicating
                                                      contact, apppropriate        delivery. Paused and        to voice projection, lack of   ideas. Poor voice
                                                      language and clear           tolerated interruptions for   preparation, or incomplete   projection. Little
                                                      delivery. Tolerated          questions and               work. Thrown off of topic    preparation or incomplete
                                                      interruptions for questions   clarifications, but did not   by interruptions for      work. Questions and
                                                      and clarification with ease   incorporate new ideas into   questions and clarification.  points of clarification were
                                                      and incorporated new         case presentation.                                       disregarded and/or
                                                      ideas into presentation.                                                              incorrectly answered.

                        RUBRIC FOR ASSESSMENT TO BE USED FOR Major Competencies Outputs (MCOs) (if applicable)
                        For REPORTING

                                        Criteria                         Excellent                       Good                      Satisfactory             Unsatisfactory
                                                                         9-10 pts.                      8-9 pts.                      5-6 pts.               Below 5 pts.

                                                                Student is completely         Student seems pretty          Student is somewhat           Student does not
                                                                prepared and has obviously    prepared but might have       prepared, but it is clear that   seem at all
                                                                rehearsed                     needed a couple more          rehearsal was lacking         prepared to present
                                                                                              rehearsals                                                  oral report

                                                                Shows a full understanding    Shows a good                  Shows a good                  Does not seem to
                         Content                                of the topics                 understanding of the topic    understanding of parts of     understand the
                                                                                                                            the topic                     topic very well

                                                                Speaks clearly and distinctly  Speaks clearly and distinctly  Speaks clearly and distinctly  Often mumbles or
                         Delivery                               all of the time, and          mot of the time, but          most of the time, but         cannot understood
                                                                mispronounce no words

                                                                                                                                     Revision No. 07 January 31, 2024
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