Page 376 - Documents for the COPC of BS Nursing Program
P. 376

CAGAYAN STATE UNIVERSITY                                                                                                             30
                                NCM107 Care of Mother, Child and Family (Well Client)

                                                                                              mispronounces one or two      mispronounces several         or mispronounces
                                                                                              words                         words                         several words

                                                                Presentation was given        Presentation is 3-4 minutes   Presentation is 2-3 minutes   Presentation is less
                                                                within the time allotment     long                          long                          than 2 minutes or
                         Time limit                             given                                                                                     more than 5
                                                                                                                                                          minutes long

                        Rubrics for Reaction Paper

                                                      Excellent                    Good                        Fair                         Poor
                                                      Exceeds       assignment  Meets            assignment  Assignment        objectives  Does  not  meet  assignment
                                                      objectives                   objectives                  minimally met                objectives 10pts
                                                      40 pts                       30 pts                      20 pts
                          Content & Development        Content is comprehensive,   Content  is  accurate  and  -     Content     is    not  -    Content    is    incomplete.
                          25 pts                      accurate,  and  persuasive.  persuasive.                 comprehensive  and  /or  - Major points are not clear and /or
                                                      -  Major  points  are  stated  -  Major  points  are  stated.  persuasive.            persuasive.
                                                      clearly   and    are   well  - Responses are adequate  -      Major    points    are  Questions  were  not  adequately
                                                      supported.                   and  address  assignment.  addressed,  but  not  well  answered.
                                                      - Responses are excellent,  -  Content  and  purpose  of  supported.
                                                      timely     and     address  the writing are clear.       -      Responses        are
                                                      assignment        including                              inadequate  or  do  not
                                                      course           concepts.                               address        assignment.
                                                      -  Content  and  purpose  of                             -  Content  is  inconsistent
                                                      the writing are clear.                                   with regard to purpose and
                                                                                                               clarity of thought.
                          Organization  & Structure   Structure  of  the  paper  is  -  Structure  is  mostly  clear  - Structure of the paper is  -  Organization  and  structure
                          5 pts                       clear  and  easy  to  follow.  and   easy   to   follow.  not   easy    to    follow.  detract from  the message  of  the
                                                      - Paragraph transitions are  - Paragraph transitions are  -  Paragraph  transitions  writer.
                                                      logical  and  maintain  the  present.                    need          improvement.  -  Paragraphs  are  disjointed  and
                                                      flow  of  thought  throughout  - Conclusion is logical.   - Conclusion is missing, or  lack transition of thoughts.
                                                      the                 paper.                               if  provided,  does  not  flow
                                                      - Conclusion is logical and                              from the body of the paper.

                                                                                                                                     Revision No. 07 January 31, 2024
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