Page 440 - Documents for the COPC of BS Nursing Program
P. 440

CAGAYAN STATE UNIVERSITY                                                                                                             12
                                NURSING RESEARCH 1

                                                                The student is professional,   The  student  is  generally  The  student  occasionally  The student appears anxious
                                                                relaxed,  and  comfortable  relaxed and comfortable.        appears      anxious      or  and    uncomfortable    and
                                                                and                           Listeners are generally       uncomfortable,  and  may  reads  notes,  rather  than
                         DELIVERY                               interacts   effectively   with  recognized and understood   occasionally  read  notes,  speaks.

                                                                listeners                                                   rather than speak. Listeners  Listeners are ignored
                                                                                                                            are   often    ignored    or


                            1.  Polit, D.F. & Beck, C.T. (2008). Reseaorce manual to accompany nursing research; generating and assessing evidence for
                                nursing practice. Eight edition. Lippincott William and wilkins
                            2.  Boswell, C. & Cannon, S. (2007).  Nursing research; incorporating evidence-based practice. Jones and Bartlett publishers.
                            3.  Venzon, L.M. & Venzon, R. M. (2010). Introduction to nursing research; the quest for quality nursing through evidence-based
                                practice. E & E publishing, Inc. Philippines
                            4.  Almeida, A. B. et. al. (2016). Research fundamentals; from concept to output. Adriana publishing corporation, manila

                                                                                                                                     Revision No. 07 January 31, 2024
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