Page 445 - Documents for the COPC of BS Nursing Program
P. 445

CAGAYAN STATE UNIVERSITY                                                                                                              4
                                NCM 112

                                            6.   Potential Intraoperative     B. Systematically
                                               Complications                  Prepare a client for
                                    C.   Postoperative Nursing Management  surgery
                                            1.   The Post Anesthesia Care
                                               Unit (PACU)                    C. Describe the
                               2.  Potential Postoperative Complications      functions of the

                                                                              Surgical Team in the
                                                                              perioperative care of a
                                                                              surgical client

                                                                              D. Effectively Assess
                                                                              and Intervene on
                                                                              potential perioperative
                                                                              complications for
                                                                              Surgical Clients at risk.

               Week 2      II.   Basic Concepts of Altered Health             Given an adult client on   -  Interactive lectures           -  Written       Hinkle, J. L.,   Face to
                                 Conditions:                                  Altered Health State,      -  Case studies and clinical       examinations  & Cheever, K.  face
                                    A.  Stress and Response                                                                 scenario simulations   and quizzes   H. (Eds.).
                                                                              the student will be able
                                                                              to:                        -  Group discussions and          -  Practical     (2022).
                                            1.   Homeostasis                  A. Discuss in different                                                       Brunner &
                                            2.  Stress Response and Effects   cellular components          reflective sessions              skills          Suddarth's
                                            3.  Treatment Modalities          and their respective      Case Scenario:                      assessments     textbook of
                                    B.  Pain                                                            Background Information:            -  Case study
                                                                              functions in a body in    JC is a 30-year-old female,         analyses and    medical-
                                            1.   Pathophysiology of Pain      health                    standing 5'5" tall and weighing     presentations   surgical
                                                   a.  Theories of Pain       B. Discuss how the        160 lbs. She recently embarked                      nursing (15th
                                                   b.  Process of             human cell and body       on a new fitness regimen                            ed.). Wolters
                                                      Nociception             react, adapt to injury,   focusing on high-intensity                          Kluwer.
                                            2.   Factors influencing Pain     and use such              interval training (HIIT). JC has a
                                               Perception and Response        information for the plan   history of playing basketball
                                            3.  Types of Pain                 of care of a client       during her university days but

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