Page 447 - Documents for the COPC of BS Nursing Program
P. 447

CAGAYAN STATE UNIVERSITY                                                                                                              6
                                NCM 112

                                                                                                        differently, and what implications
                                                                                                        does this have for her training
                                                                                                        Adaptive Processes:
                                                                                                        With regular adherence to her
                                                                                                        HIIT regimen, what adaptive
                                                                                                        processes might JC’s body
                                                                                                        undergo? Consider both
                                                                                                        cardiovascular and muscular
                                                                                                        adaptations, and how these
                                                                                                        changes can benefit her health
                                                                                                        and fitness goals.
               Week 3-     III.   Fluid, Electrolyte, and Acid-Base           Given an actual client   -   Interactive lectures            -  Written       Hinkle, J. L.,   Face to
                 5               Imbalances:                                  with Fluid, Electrolyte   -   Case studies and clinical       examinations  & Cheever, K.  face
                                    A.   Fundamentals Concepts                and Acid-Base               scenario simulations              and quizzes     H. (Eds.).
                                            1.  Body Fluids                   Imbalances, the          -   Group discussions and           -  Practical     (2022).
                                                   a.  Amount and             student will be able to:                                                      Brunner &
                                                      Composition                                         reflective sessions               skills          Suddarth's
                                                   b.  Compartments           A. Discuss the                                                assessments     textbook of
                                                   c.  Regulation and         fundamental principles    Clinical Scenario:                 -  Case study    medical-
                                                      Movement                governing Fluid,                                              analyses and
                                            2.  Electrolytes                  Electrolyte and Acid-     Background Information: CB is       presentations   surgical
                                            3.  Homeostatic Mechanisms        Base regulation and       a 65-year-old male who has         -  Reflective    nursing (15th
                                    B.   Assessment of Fluid, Electrolyte     balance                   been brought to the emergency       journals        ed.). Wolters
                                        and Acid-Base Status                                            department by his neighbor. He                      Kluwer.
                                    C.  Fluid Volume Disturbances             B. Perform Accurate       has been experiencing persistent   -  Clinical
                                    D.  Electrolyte Imbalances                Assessment                nausea and vomiting for the past    performance
                                            1.  Sodium Imbalances (Hypo-,     Techniques to evaluate  5 days and has been unable to         evaluations
                                               Hypernatremia)                 Fluid, Electrolyte and    ingest food or liquids during this   during
                                            2.  Potassium Imbalances          Acid-Base balance of      time. His medical history           practicum
                                               (Hypo-, Hypernatremia)         an individual             includes chronic alcoholism. Two
                                            3.  Calcium Imbalances (Hypo-,                              weeks prior to his admission, he
                                               Hypercalcemia)                 C. Formulate              began complaining of abdominal
                                                                              appropriate nursing       pain, which has coincided with a

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