Page 450 - Documents for the COPC of BS Nursing Program
P. 450

CAGAYAN STATE UNIVERSITY                                                                                                              9
                                NCM 112

                                                                                                                      and treatment

               Week 6- I.Altered Gas Exchange and Respiratory                 Given an actual adult      -  Interactive lectures           -  Written       Hinkle, J. L.,   Face to
                 8        Function:                                           client with problems in    -  Case studies and clinical       examinations  & Cheever, K.  face
                          A.  Review of Anatomy and Physiology of the         gas exchange and             scenario simulations             and quizzes     H. (Eds.).
                             Respiratory System                               respiratory function, the   -  Skills labs for practice of   -  Practical     (2022).
                          B.  Assessment of Respiratory                       student will be able to:                                                      Brunner &
                             Function                                                                      clinical techniques              skills          Suddarth's
                              1.  Health History                              A. Discuss basic           -  Group discussions and           assessments     textbook of
                              2.  Physical Assessment                         anatomic and                 reflective sessions             -  Case study
                              3.  Diagnostic Evaluation                       physiologic basis of                                          analyses and    medical-
                                 a.  Pulmonary Function Test                  nursing care of clients   Clinical Scenario:                  presentations   surgical
                                 b.  Arterial Blood Gas Studies               with problems in                                             -  Reflective    nursing (15th
                                 c.  Pulse Oximetry                           Respiratory Function      Background Information: DG is       journals        ed.). Wolters
                                 d.  Sputum Studies and Cultures                                        a 68-year-old retired construction                  Kluwer.
                                 e.  Imaging Studies (CXR, CT, MRI,           B. Conduct thorough,      worker who presents to the clinic   -  Clinical
                                    Fluoroscopy, Pulmonary Angiography,       accurate, and adequate    with complaints of increasing       performance
                                    Lung Scan)                                nursing assessment of     shortness of breath, a chronic      evaluations
                                 f.  Endoscopic Studies (Bronchoscopy,        a client with actual or   productive cough, and significant   during
                                    Thoracoscopy)                             potential respiratory     weight loss over the past six       practicum
                                 g.  Thoracentesis                            problems with regards     months. He has a 40-year history
                                 h.  Biopsy                                   to health history,        of smoking a pack of cigarettes
                          C.  Nursing Diagnosis                               physical examination      per day, although he quit
                          D.  Planning of Nursing Care for Clients with       and basic interpretation   smoking two years ago. DG
                             Altered Respiratory Status                       of diagnostic and         reports that his symptoms have
                            1.  Epistaxis                                     laboratory exams          progressively worsened, now
                            2.  Sinusitis                                                               limiting his ability to perform daily
                            3.  Tonsillitis/Adenoiditis                       C. Practice appropriate   activities.
                            4.  Obstructive Pulmonary Disease                 principles in the
                                a.  Bronchial Asthma                          formulation,
                                                                              mobilization and

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