Page 492 - Documents for the COPC of BS Nursing Program
P. 492

CAGAYAN STATE UNIVERSITY                                                                                                              4
                                NCM 114-CARE OF THE OLDER PERSON 1

                          Week                                           a. Population,                 Interactive Lecture   Discussion          See reference list       Face to face
                                                                    b. Gender and Ethnic Disparity, g.
                             5  - 8
                                                                    The Baby Boomers,                   Film showing
                                                                    c. Geographic Distribution of the
                                                                    Older Adult Population,
                                                                     d. Marital Status,
                                                                     e. Educational Status,                                   Role play
                                                                     f. Economics of Aging,
                                                                     g. Poverty,                        Reporting             Student will be
                                                                    h. Income,                                                given assignment
                                                                    i. Wealth.

                                                                 3.  Theories of Aging
                                                                    a. Biologic Theories,
                                                                    b. Psychosocial Theories,
                                                                   4.  Implications for Nursing
                                                                    a.  The Integumentary System                              Graded Recitation
                                                                        Expected Age-Related            Interactive lecture
                                                                    b.  Common Disorders Seen with
                                                                    c.   The Musculoskeletal System,
                                                                        35 Bones, Vertebrae, Joints,    Film-showing
                                                                        Tendons, and Ligaments,
                                                                        CONTENTS Taste and Smell,       PowerPoint
                                                                        Expected Age-Related            presentation          Graded Recitation
                                                                            The Endocrine System, 66  Demonstration
                                                                           Pituitary Gland, Thyroid
                                                                           Gland, Parathyroid Glands,
                                                                           Pancreas, Adrenal Glands,
                                                                           Ovaries and Testes,

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