Page 489 - Documents for the COPC of BS Nursing Program
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                                                                             CAGAYAN STATE UNIVERSITY

                                                                                   COLLEGE OF NURSING

          PHILOSOPHY                                              SYLLABUS IN NCM 114 CARE OF THE OLDER PERSON 1
          The University serves
          the INDIVIDUAL by
          providing the
          student with a   Course Credits   3                  Semester         1st               School Year      2024-2025            Number of Lecture Hours                 2
          environment for
          optimal human
          flourishing. It serves   Pre-requisite/s   BIO ETHICS                 Co-requisite/s    [Click to enter co-requisite/s]       Number of Laboratory Hours              1
          the community by
          offering programs
          responsive to
          individual and
          social needs.

          VISION          Course Description:         The  course  deals  with  the  theories  and  concepts  of  aging,  the  physiologic  and  psychosocial  changes  and  problems
          CSU is a University                       associated with the process, and the appropriate nursing interventions.
          with global stature
          in the arts, culture,
          agriculture and
          fisheries, the                            The Cagayan State University aims to produce graduates who will exhibit:
          sciences as well as
          technological and
          professional fields.                      Competence
          MISSION                                         ● Critical thinker
          Cagayan State                                   ● Creative problem-solver
          University shall
          produce globally                                ● Competitive performer nationally, regionally and globally
          competent                                 Social Responsibility
          graduates through   Intended Graduate
          excellent                                       ● Sensitive to ethical demands
          instruction,    Attributes                      ● Steward of the environment for future generations
          innovative and
          creative research,                              ● Social justice and economic equity and advocate
          responsive public
          service and                               Unifying Presence
          productive industry                             ● Uniting theory and practice
          and community
          engagement.                                     ● Uniting strata of society

                                                          ● Unifying the nation, the ASEAN region and the world
                                                    ●       Uniting the university and the community
                                                    CILO 1: Apply knowledge of physical, social, natural, sciences.
                          Course         Intended  CILO 2: Perform safe, appropriate humanistic care.
                          Learning Outcomes         CILO 3: Apply guidelines and principles of EBPAp
                                                    CILO 4: Practice nursing in accordance with laws, legal, ethical.

                              F-ODI-2056                                                                                                         Revision No. 07 January 31, 2024
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