Page 484 - Documents for the COPC of BS Nursing Program
P. 484

CAGAYAN STATE UNIVERSITY                                                                                                             13
                                COMMUNITY HEALTH NURSING-II

                                             The student is           The student is generally    The student             The student appears
                                            professional,            relaxed and comfortable.    occasionally appears    anxious and
                                            relaxed, and             Listeners are generally     anxious or              uncomfortable and
                                            comfortable and          recognized and              uncomfortable, and      reads notes, rather
                                            interacts effectively with  understood               may occasionally read  than speaks.
                         Delivery           listeners                                            notes, rather than      Listeners are ignored
                                                                                                 speak. Listeners are
                                                                                                 ignored or

                           Total Score

                                                    25 – 30                    19 – 24                   13 – 18                   12
                                                  Excellent                    Good                   Satisfactory           Unsatisfactory

                        Rubric for Comprehensive Community Profile

                                Criteria              Excellent                     Good                       Fair                  Poor                        SCORE
                                                    (20 POINTS)                 (15 POINTS)               (10 POINTS)             (5 POINTS)

                          ASSESSMENT             Appropriateness and    Appropriateness and            Appropriateness       Appropriateness and
                                                   diversity of data    diversity of data collection   and diversity of data  diversity of data
                                                  collection methods    methods used (e.g.,            collection methods    collection methods
                                                 used (e.g., surveys,   surveys, interviews, focus     used (e.g., surveys,  used (e.g., surveys,
                                                   interviews, focus    groups, observations,          interviews, focus     interviews, focus
                                                groups, observations,   secondary data analysis)       groups,               groups, observations,
                                                   secondary data       was effective with minor       observations,         secondary data
                                                    analysis) was       areas for improvement or       secondary data        analysis) was
                                                    exemplary with      refinement.                    analysis) was         inadequate with
                                                                                                       adequate with

                                                                                                                                     Revision No. 07 January 31, 2024
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