Page 479 - Documents for the COPC of BS Nursing Program
P. 479

CAGAYAN STATE UNIVERSITY                                                                                                              8
                                COMMUNITY HEALTH NURSING-II

                                                                                                                                             Sines, David (2009).
                                                                                                                                             Community Health Care
                          Weeks  TOPIC 2: Public Health Programs        At the end of the session,  Designing of a       Learning feedback  Grant, Murray (1987).       Face to face
                          11 – 13   of the DOH                          students are expected to:   Health               diary               Handbook of community
                                                                                                   Advisory/IEC for                          health 4  ed.
                                       a.  Family Health Services          A.  Determine ways      Health                Group output
                                         Maternal Health                      to launch health                                              Scherman, Susan L.,
                                         Family Planning                  B.  Describe the        Health promotion                          (1985). Community
                                         Child Health                         different health    and Health                                health nursing care
                                             1.  Infant and Young             programs of the     Education                                 plans: A guide for home
                                              Child Feeding                    government          Activities in the                         health care
                                             2.   Expanded Program        C.  Identify the most   Community                                 professionals
                                              on Immunization                  prevalent
                                             3.   Integrated                  communicable        Visit to community,                       Willis, Ricardo (2022).
                                              Management of                    and                 school clinics and                        Community Health
                                              Childhood Illness                diseases and their   to the DOH                               Diagnosis
                                         Nutrition Program                    management
                                         Oral Health Program              D.  Discuss the role                                              Sines, David (2009).
                                         Essential Health Packages            of environmental                                              Community Health Care
                                          for the Adolescent, Adult            sanitation in                                                 Nursing
                                          Men and Women and Older              promoting
                                          Persons                              community health

                                       b.  Control of Non-
                                          Communicable Diseases
                                         Integrated Community-
                                          Based Non-communicable
                                          Disease Prevention

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