Page 477 - Documents for the COPC of BS Nursing Program
P. 477

CAGAYAN STATE UNIVERSITY                                                                                                              6
                                COMMUNITY HEALTH NURSING-II

                                                                            C.  Compute for                                                  Willis, Ricardo (2022).
                                                                               various health                                                Community Health
                                                                               statistics                                                    Diagnosis

                                                                                                                                             Sines, David (2009).
                                                                                                                                             Community Health Care
                          Week     TOPIC 2: Application of              At the end of the session,                       Post quiz           Gordis, Leon (1988).       Face to face
                             5     Epidemiology in Community Health       students are expected    Lecture                                   Epidemiology and health
                                                                          to:                                                                risk assessment
                                       a.  Definition of Epidemiology                              Case Analysis
                                       b.  Patterns of Disease              A.  Elucidate the                                                Grant, Murray (1987).
                                       c.  Models of Disease                   practical                                                     Handbook of community
                                                                               application of
                                           Causation                           epidemiology.                                                 health 4  ed.
                                       d.  Calculation, Analysis and        B.  Discuss the
                                           Interpretation of health            epidemiological                                               Scherman, Susan L.,
                                           indicators                          models of disease                                             (1985). Community
                                                                               causation.                                                    health nursing care
                                                                            C.  Calculate                                                    plans: A guide for home
                                                                               epidemiologic                                                 health care
                                                                               measures that are                                             professionals
                                                                               used for
                                                                               assessing the                                                 Willis, Ricardo (2022).
                                                                               health status of
                                                                               the community                                                 Community Health

                                                                                                                                             Sines, David (2009).
                                                                                                                                             Community Health Care
                          Weeks  UNIT II: Planning of Community         At the end of the session,  Group discussion     Group               Grant, Murray (1987).      Face to face
                           6 – 8    Health Nursing Services               students are expected                          Presentation        Handbook of community
                                                                          to:                      Community Visit       /Output             health 4  ed.

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