Page 476 - Documents for the COPC of BS Nursing Program
P. 476

CAGAYAN STATE UNIVERSITY                                                                                                              5
                                COMMUNITY HEALTH NURSING-II

                          Week     TOPIC 1. Assessment of               At the end of the session,  Lecture              Graded recitation   Grant, Murray (1987).      Face t face
                             3     Community Health Needs                 students are expected                          Concept paper       Handbook of community
                                                                          to:                      Case analysis         Post quiz           health 4  ed.

                                       b.  Community Diagnosis              A.  Define community                                             Scherman, Susan L.,
                                         Definition                           diagnosis                                                     (1985). Community
                                         Types of Community                B.  Identify types of                                            health nursing care
                                          Diagnosis:  comprehensive,           community                                                     plans: A guide for home
                                          problem-oriented or focused          diagnosis                                                     health care
                                         Steps in Conducting the           C.  Demonstrate the                                              professionals
                                          Community Diagnosis                  process of
                                                                               community                                                     Willis, Ricardo (2022).
                                                                               diagnosis                                                     Community Health

                                                                                                                                             Sines, David (2009).
                                                                                                                                             Community Health Care
                          Week     TOPIC 1. Assessment of               At the end of the session,  Case Analysis        Group               Grant, Murray (1987).      Face to face
                             4     Community Health Needs                 students are expected                          Presentation        Handbook of community
                                                                          to:                                            /Output             health 4  ed.
                                       c.  Tools used in community                                                       Post quiz
                                          diagnosis: demography,            A.  Conduct                                                      Scherman, Susan L.,
                                          vital and health statistics,         Community                                                     (1985). Community
                                          epidemiology                         Assessment                                                    health nursing care
                                          Demography                       B.  Describe the                                                 plans: A guide for home
                                          Vital and Health Statistics         health situation of                                           health care
                                                                               the community                                                 professionals
                                                                               and prevailing

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