Page 481 - Documents for the COPC of BS Nursing Program
P. 481

CAGAYAN STATE UNIVERSITY                                                                                                             10
                                COMMUNITY HEALTH NURSING-II

                                         Solid Waste Management
                                         Vector Control
                                         Food Sanitation
                                         Air Pollution
                                         Proper Housing
                                         Specialized Fields of
                                          Community Health Nursing
                                             1.    School Health
                                             2.    Occupational
                                              Health Nursing
                                             3.    Community Mental
                                              Health Nursing

                          Weeks  UNIT IV: Evaluating Community          At the end of the session,  Group discussion     Group               Grant, Murray (1987).      Face to face
                          14 – 15   Health Nursing Services             students are expected to:                        presentation        Handbook of community
                                                                                                                                             health 4  ed.
                                   TOPIC 1: Definition of Evaluation        A.  Define evaluation
                                       a.  Types of evaluation:             B.  Determine the                                                Scherman, Susan L.,
                                          quantitative, qualitative            aspects of                                                    (1985). Community
                                       b.  Aspects of evaluation:              community                                                     health nursing care
                                          process, impact and                  evaluation
                                          outcome                           C.  Identify tools for                                           plans: A guide for home
                                       c.  Methods and tools of                community                                                     health care
                                          evaluation                           evaluation and                                                professionals
                                       d.  Evaluation Indicators               quality assurance
                                                                                                                                             Willis, Ricardo (2022).
                                   TOPIC 2: Quality Assurance:                                                                               Community Health
                                   Sentrong Sigla Movement                                                                                   Diagnosis

                                                                                                                                             Sines, David (2009).
                                                                                                                                             Community Health Care

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