Page 483 - Documents for the COPC of BS Nursing Program
P. 483

CAGAYAN STATE UNIVERSITY                                                                                                             12
                                COMMUNITY HEALTH NURSING-II

                                Comprehensive Community Profile
                                  To demonstrate analysis of various factors that influence community health, including social, economic, environmental, and cultural
                                  determinants. To gain insights into disparities in health outcomes and access to healthcare within the community in order to plan and
                                  implement interventions aimed at addressing identified health needs and disparities.

                        RUBRIC FOR ASSESSMENT TO BE USED FOR Major Competencies Outputs (MCOs) (if applicable)
                        Rubric for individual/group presentation

                             Criteria       Excellent                Good                        Satisfactory            Unsatisfactory                          Score
                                            10                       8                           6                       4

                                             The student is carefully   The student has a focus    There is some          No apparent
                                            organized and provides  and provides some            organization, but the   organization.
                                            convincing evidence to   reasonable evidence to      student occasionally    Evidence is not used
                                            support conclusions.     support conclusions.        goes off topic.         to support assertion
                         Organization                                                            Evidence used to

                                                                                                 support conclusions is

                                             The content is accurate   The content is generally    The content is         The content is
                                            and comprehensive.       accurate and reasonably     sometimes inaccurate  inaccurate or overly
                                            Listeners are likely to   complete. Listeners may    or incomplete.          general. Listeners are
                                            gain new insights about  develop a few insights      Listeners may learn     unlikely to learn
                         Content            the topic.               about the topic.            some isolated facts,    anything or may be
                                                                                                 but they are unlikely to  misled.
                                                                                                 gain new insights
                                                                                                 about the topic.

                                                                                                                                     Revision No. 07 January 31, 2024
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