Page 485 - Documents for the COPC of BS Nursing Program
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CAGAYAN STATE UNIVERSITY                                                                                                             14
                                COMMUNITY HEALTH NURSING-II

                                                evidence of innovation                                 noticeable            significant
                                                  and best practices.                                  deficiencies or       shortcomings.
                                                                                                       opportunities for
                          DIAGNOSIS            Clarity, coherence, and  Clarity, coherence, and        Clarity, coherence,   Clarity, coherence,
                                               relevance of             relevance of assessment        and relevance of      and relevance of
                                               assessment findings      findings presented in reports  assessment            assessment findings
                                               presented in reports     and analysis was effective     findings presented    presented in reports
                                               and analysis was         with minor areas for           in reports and        and analysis was
                                               exemplary with           improvement or refinement.     analysis was          inadequate with
                                               evidence of innovation                                  adequate with         significant
                                               and best practices.                                     noticeable            shortcomings.
                                                                                                       deficiencies or
                                                                                                       opportunities for
                          PLANNING             Evidence of thorough     Evidence of thorough           Evidence of           Evidence of thorough
                                               planning and             planning and preparation,      thorough planning     planning and
                                               preparation, including   including clear objectives,    and preparation,      preparation, including
                                               clear objectives,        timeline, budget, and          including clear       clear objectives,
                                               timeline, budget, and    stakeholder engagement         objectives, timeline,  timeline, budget, and
                                               stakeholder              plan and consideration of      budget, and           stakeholder
                                               engagement plan and      ethical and cultural           stakeholder           engagement plan and
                                               consideration of ethical  considerations in the         engagement plan       consideration of
                                               and cultural             planning process was           and consideration     ethical and cultural
                                               considerations in the    effective with minor areas for  of ethical and       considerations in the
                                               planning process was     improvement or refinement.     cultural              planning process was
                                               exemplary with                                          considerations in     inadequate with
                                               evidence of innovation                                  the planning          significant
                                               and best practices.                                     process was           shortcomings.
                                                                                                       adequate with
                                                                                                       deficiencies or

                                                                                                                                     Revision No. 07 January 31, 2024
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