Page 494 - Documents for the COPC of BS Nursing Program
P. 494

CAGAYAN STATE UNIVERSITY                                                                                                              6
                                NCM 114-CARE OF THE OLDER PERSON 1

                          Week                                           a. Expected Age-Related                                                  See reference list       Face to face
                          10 -14        Perform effective  Changes, Identify diagnostic
                                          geriatric care for   procedures.                              Lecture
                                          patients with      b. The Reproductive and                    Evocation
                                          medical and        Genitourinary Systems, Female
                                          surgical age-      Reproductive Organs, Male
                                          related            Reproductive Organs, Expected Age-
                                          conditions         Related Changes, 7Common
                                                             Disorders Seen with Aging.

                                                             1.BASIC SKILLS FOR GERONTOLOGIC

                                                             a. Health Promotion, Health Maintenance,
                                                             and Home Health Considerations,
                                                             b. Recommended Health Practices for
                                                             Older Adults,                              Lecture
                                                              c.Diet & Exercise,                        Evocation             Handouts
                                                             d.Tobacco and Alcohol                      Discussion            Marker
                                                             e. Physical Examinations and Preventive                          W. Board Marker
                                                             Overall Care, Dental Examinations and
                                                             Preventive Oral Care, Maintaining
                                                             Healthy Attitudes
                                                             f.Factors That Affect Health Promotion
                                                             and Maintenance, Religious Beliefs,
                                                              g.Cultural Beliefs, Knowledge and
                                                             e. Mobility, Perceptions of Aging,
                                                             f. Impact of Cognitive and Sensory
                                                             2. Changes, Impact of Changes Related
                                                             to Accessibility,
                                                             3.Home Health, Unpaid Caregiver, Paid
                                                             a. Types of Home Services,

                                                                                                                                     Revision No. 07 January 31, 2024
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