Page 528 - Documents for the COPC of BS Nursing Program
P. 528

CAGAYAN STATE UNIVERSITY                                                                                                             16
                                NCM 116

                                           h.  Slit-Lamp Exam              and physical       History of Present Illness:
                                           i.  Amsler Grid                 assessment         ES, a 58-year-old male,
                                           j.  Perimetry Testing         Formulate           presents to the emergency
                                    3.  Nursing Diagnosis                  appropriate        department complaining of
                                    4.  Planning of Nursing Care           nursing diagnosis  sudden onset of severe pain in
                                        for Clients with Alteration        for clients with   his right eye that started about
                                        in Visual Function                 Alteration in eye   6 hours ago. He describes the
                                           a.  Low Vision and              and ear function   pain as throbbing and intense,
                                               Blindness                 Plan, Implement     worsening with exposure to
                                           b.  Glaucoma                    and Evaluate       light. He also reports blurred
                                           c.  Cataracts                   Appropriate        vision and seeing halos
                                           d.  Refraction Errors           Nursing            around lights. ES mentions
                                           e.  Corneal Disorders           Interventions      that the symptoms began after
                                           f.  Retinal Disorders           needed by clients  spending several hours
                                                  i.  Retinal              with eye, ear and   working on his computer in a
                                                      Detachme             balance problems  dimly lit room.
                                                  ii.  Retinal                                Past Medical History:
                                                      Disorders                                     Hypertension,
                                                  iii.  Macular                                       controlled with
                                                      Degenerati                                      medication
                                                      on                                            Type 2 Diabetes
                                           g.  Orbital and Ocular                                     Mellitus, managed with
                                               Trauma                                                 diet and oral
                                    5.  Implementation of                                             hypoglycemics
                                        Common Ophthalmic
                                        Modalities                                            Family and Social History:
                                           a.  Phacoemulsificati
                                               on                                                   Father had a history of
                                           b.  LASIK                                                  chronic glaucoma
                                           c.  Phakic Intraocular                                   Non-smoker
                                               Lenses                                               Consumes alcohol
                                           d.  Scleral Buckling                                       occasionally

                                                                                                                                     Revision No. 07 January 31, 2024
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