Page 524 - Documents for the COPC of BS Nursing Program
P. 524

CAGAYAN STATE UNIVERSITY                                                                                                             12
                                NCM 116

                                               e.  Muscles                 different NS               diet and oral
                                                  Weakness                 modalities                 hypoglycemics)
                                               f.  Abnormal              Provide suitable          Hyperlipidemia
                                                  Sensation                health teachings
                                        2.  Physical Assessment            to clients needed   Family History:
                                               a.  Consciousnes            by a patient with
                                                  s and                    actual or potential      Father had a history of
                                                  Cognition                neurologic                 ischemic heart disease.
                                               b.  Cranial Nerve           problem                  Mother suffered a
                                                  Exam             Assist in various medical          stroke at the age of 65.
                                               c.  Motor System    diagnostic and
                                                  Exam             therapeutic modalities for  Social History: Mr.
                                               d.  Reflex Exam     actual or potential        Henderson is a retired postal
                                        3.  Diagnostic Evaluation   neurologic problems,      worker, lives with his wife, and
                                               a.  Computed        focusing on safety and     smokes about 10 cigarettes a
                                                  Tomography                                  day for the past 40 years. He
                                                  Scanning         patient advocacy           consumes alcohol socially.
                                               b.  Magnetic
                                                  Resonance                                   Physical Examination:
                                               c.  Positron                                         Vital Signs: Blood
                                                  Tomography                                          pressure 165/95
                                               d.  Cerebral                                           mmHg, Heart rate 88
                                                                                                      bpm, Respiratory rate
                                               e.  Myelography                                        16 breaths/min,
                                                                                                      Temperature 98.6°F.
                                               f.  Noninvasive                                      Neurological
                                                  Carotid Flow
                                                  Studies                                             Examination: Alert
                                               g.  Transcranial                                       and oriented to person,
                                                                                                      somewhat confused
                                               h.  Electromyogra                                      with orientation to time
                                                  phy                                                 and place. Right-sided
                                                                                                      hemiparesis, facial
                                                                                                      droop on the right side,

                                                                                                                                     Revision No. 07 January 31, 2024
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