Page 525 - Documents for the COPC of BS Nursing Program
P. 525

CAGAYAN STATE UNIVERSITY                                                                                                             13
                                NCM 116

                                               i.  Nerve                                              and dysarthria.
                                                  Conduction                                          Demonstrates difficulty
                                                  Studies                                             following commands
                                               j.  Evoked                                             due to confusion.
                                                  Potential                                         Sensorium: Mr.
                                                  Studies                                             Henderson appears
                                               k.  Electroenceph                                      confused and has
                                                  alography                                           trouble focusing during
                                               l.  Lumbar                                             the examination.
                                                  Puncture and                                      Cardiovascular
                                                  CSF Analysis                                        Examination: Regular
                                               m.  Tension Test                                       rate and rhythm, no
                                C.  Nursing Diagnosis                                                 murmurs.
                                D.  Planning of Nursing Care for                                    Respiratory
                                    Clients with Neurologic                                           Examination: Clear to
                                    Dysfunction                                                       auscultation bilaterally.
                                        1.  Altered Level of
                                           Consciousness                                      Diagnostic Examination
                                        2.  Balance Problems                                  Results:
                                        3.  Increase Intracranial
                                           Pressure                                                 CT Scan of the Brain:
                                        4.  Specific Pathologies                                      Revealed a left middle
                                               a.  The Epilepsies                                     cerebral artery (MCA)
                                               b.  Cerebrovascul                                      infarct with no signs of
                                                  ar Disorders                                        hemorrhage.
                                                  i.  Ischemic                                      Carotid Doppler
                                                      Stroke                                          Ultrasound: Showed
                                                  ii.  Hemorrhag                                      moderate
                                                      ic Stroke                                       atherosclerotic plaque
                                               c.  Neurologic                                         build-up in the left
                                                  Trauma                                              carotid artery.
                                                  i.  Head                                          ECG: Normal sinus
                                                      Injuries                                        rhythm.
                                                  ii.  Brain

                                                                                                                                     Revision No. 07 January 31, 2024
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