Page 520 - Documents for the COPC of BS Nursing Program
P. 520

CAGAYAN STATE UNIVERSITY                                                                                                              8
                                NCM 116

                                    i.  Fasting Blood Sugar        C. Discuss the             has difficulty sleeping.
                                    j.  Glucose Tolerance Test     importance, the            Additionally, SP has noticed
                                    k.  Glycosylated Hemoglobin    procedure and nursing      that her eyes seem to be more
                             C.  Nursing Diagnosis                 responsibilities in  the   prominent than before and
                             D.  Planning of Nursing Care for      different diagnostic and   she's experiencing discomfort
                                Clients with Altered Endocrine     laboratory exams           in her eyes, described as
                                Function                           relevant in the            grittiness and sensitivity to
                                1.  Pituitary Hormone                                         light.
                                    Dysfunctions                   assessment of such
                                    a.  Gigantism and              clients                    Case Details: Physical
                                        Acromegaly                                            examination reveals a diffusely
                                    b.  Diabetes Insipidus (DI)                               enlarged thyroid gland. SP's
                                    c.  Syndrome of                D. Interpret basic data    heart rate is recorded at 102
                                        Inappropriate Antidiuretic   derived from diagnostic   bpm while resting. A thyroid
                                        Hormone (SIADH)            and laboratory exams       function test is ordered, which
                                2.  Thyroid Hormone                pertinent in the           shows elevated levels of
                                    Dysfunctions                   formulation of care plan   thyroid hormones (T3 and T4)
                                    a.  Goiter                     of these clients           and suppressed TSH. Based
                                    b.  Hyperthyroidism                                       on her clinical presentation
                                        i.     Grave’s Disease                                and lab results, SP is
                                    c.  Hypothyroidism                                        diagnosed with Graves'
                                        i.     Hashimoto’s         E. Plan and Implement      disease.
                                               Thyroiditis         safe and effective
                                        ii.    Myxedema            nursing care needed by      Questions for Discussion:
                                3.  Parathyroid Hormone            these clients
                                    Dysfunctions                                               1.     Pathophysiology of
                                    a.  Hyperparathyroidism                                     Graves' Disease:
                                    b.  Hypoparathyroidism                                     o Explain the pathophysiology
                                4.  Adrenal Cortex Hormone         F. Evaluate nursing care     of Graves' disease. How do
                                    Dysfunctions                   of these clients based on    the pathological processes
                                    a.  Adrenal Cortical           the standards of nursing     relate to the hyperthyroid
                                        Insufficiency              practice and use such in     symptoms and eye changes
                                        i.     Addison’s           future planning              SP is experiencing?
                                               Disease,                                        2.     Management and
                                               Addisonian Crisis                                Treatment Options:

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