Page 517 - Documents for the COPC of BS Nursing Program
P. 517
NCM 116
3. Diagnostic Evaluation to serve as basis for the in the past week. He denies
of the Alimentary nursing care plan any recent weight loss,
Canal changes in bowel habits, or
a. Carcinoembryonic blood in the stool.
Antigen B. Perform appropriate
b. Stool Exams Past Medical History (PMH):
(Fecal Occult health assessment of an John has a history of
Blood Test [Guiac individual at risk or with gastroesophageal reflux
Test}, Ova, actual cardiac or disease (GERD) and was
Parasites) peripheral vascular prescribed omeprazole, which
c. Gastric Analysis problem he took intermittently. He also
d. Gastrointestinal has a history of hypertension,
Series (UGIS managed with lisinopril. There
[Barium Swallow], C. Assist and provide is no history of surgeries or
LGIS [Barium proper health teachings hospitalizations.
Enema]) to a client for diagnostic
e. Abdominal Family History:
Ultrasound, CT, evaluation of cardiac or His father had a history of
MRI vascular function "stomach troubles," which
f. Endoscopic John believes may have been
Studies ulcers. His mother is healthy,
4. Diagnostic Evaluation D. Implement apt nursing but has type 2 diabetes. He
of the care plan for clients with has one sister who is healthy.
Hepatopancreatobiliar altered cardiac and
y System vascular function based Social History:
a. Serum Studies on formulated suitable John works as a financial
(Immunoglobulins, nursing diagnosis analyst, a job that he reports to
Amonia, Urea be high-stress. He smokes half
Nitrogen, Liver a pack of cigarettes daily and
Enzymes) drinks alcohol socially, usually
b. Liver Biopsy E. Identify and Assume having a few beers on the
c. Endoscopic Efficiently Nurses’ Role weekends. His diet is often
Retrograde in Management of composed of fast food due to
Cholangiopancrea Patient with Actual or his busy work schedule.
tography (ERCP) Potential Cardiac or
Revision No. 07 January 31, 2024