Page 515 - Documents for the COPC of BS Nursing Program
P. 515

CAGAYAN STATE UNIVERSITY                                                                                                              3
                                NCM 116

                                                     CILO 8: On GAD, develop and apply gender-sensitive strategies in nursing care to ensure equitable health outcomes. This
                                                     involves recognizing and addressing gender-specific health needs and barriers in access to health care. Students will also explore
                                                     how gender roles and expectations affect the prevalence, diagnosis, and management of diseases related to the course topics.

                                                     CILO 9:  On SDG, develop and promote sustainable health care practices that support the management and prevention of
                                                     nutrition-related diseases and endocrine disorders, contributing to the achievement of SDG 3 (Good Health and Well-being).
                                                                                      Percentage Distribution     NOTE:
                                                      Assigned Activity                               15%
                                                      Engagement/Forum                                10%        5 Units: Lecture:         5 units                         (60%)

                                                      Quizzes/Unit Test                                      30%           RLE:            1 unit SL, 3 units CL   (40 units)
                                                      Major Examination                               45%                  Total:                                         100%
                          Grading System              TOTAL                                   100%

                                                      Case Reports                                    25 %
                                                      Performance                                     50 %
                                                      Midterm/Final Exam                              25 %

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