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CAGAYAN STATE UNIVERSITY                                                                                                               8
                                       MC4 Logic and Critical Thinking

                                   Time                                       Intended Learning Outcomes                            Learning
                                  Frame           Learning Content                        (ILOs)                  Learning       Assessments         Teaching and Learning         Modality
                                                                                                                  Activities                         References/Resources
                                              f.  Simple vs. compound        Differentiate positive from
                                                  propositions               negative judgment.

                                                                             Define proposition and identify its

                                                                             Distinguish simple from
                                                                             compound propositions.

                                 Week 11     9.  Logical Opposition and      At the end of the session, nursing   Lecturette    Assignment         Nery: Logic with Ethics and  Face-to-face
                                                 Logical Sequence            students are expected to:          Class           Quiz               Values Education
                                              a.  Definition of logical                                         discussion
                                                  opposition                                                                                       Pasigui et al.: Integrated
                                              b.  Rules governing logical    Define logical oppositions and                                        Logic: Multi-Disciplinary
                                                                             identify its parts.
                                                  opposition                                                                                       Approach Chapter 8
                                              c.  Synopsis of logical        List the rules governing logical
                                                  opposition                 oppositions.
                                              d.  Definition of logical
                                                  sequence                   Define and distinguish the
                                              e.  Forms of logical           different forms of logical
                                                  sequence                   equivalence.

                                                                                                                                            Revision No. 07 January 31, 2024
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