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CAGAYAN STATE UNIVERSITY                                              10
 MC4 Logic and Critical Thinking

 Time   Intended Learning Outcomes   Learning
 Frame   Learning Content   (ILOs)   Learning   Assessments   Teaching and Learning   Modality
             Activities                         References/Resources
 Week 15   12. Reasoning in Paramedical   At the end of the session, nursing   Lecturette   Assignment   Nery: Logic with Ethics and  Face-to-face
 Disciplines   students are expected to:    Class   Quiz   Values Education
 a.  Foundation of reasoning   discussion
 b.  Reasoning through                         Pasigui et al.: Integrated
 inquiry   Apply the peculiarities of          Logic: Multi-Disciplinary
 c.  Types of reasoning   reasoning as applied in   Approach Chapter 13
 paramedical disciplines.

 Week 16   12.   Reasoning in   At the end of the session, nursing   Lecturette   Assignment   Nery: Logic with Ethics and  Face-to-face
 Paramedical Disciplines   students are expected to:    Class   Quiz   Values Education
 d.  Factors influencing   Illustrate the different factors   discussion
 reasoning   influencing and contributing to   Pasigui et al.: Integrated
 e.  Contributing factors in   paramedical reasoning.   Logic: Multi-Disciplinary
 reasoning                                     Approach Chapter 13

 Week 17   12.   Reasoning in   At the end of the session, nursing   Lecturette   Assignment   Nery: Logic with Ethics and  Face-to-face
 Paramedical Disciplines   students are expected to:    Class   Quiz   Values Education
 f.  Applying reasoning   Apply the Socratic method of   discussion
 g.  Other processes   inquiry in paramedical reasoning.      Pasigui et al.: Integrated
 involved in reasoning   Case Study            Logic: Multi-Disciplinary
           Development                         Approach Chapter 13

 Week 18   FINAL EXAM                                                        Face-to-face

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