Page 5 - Revista Paisiana Nr 12 Februarie 2025
P. 5

“Make  account  that  thou
                                                                                     hast done nothing, and then
                                                                                     thou  hast  done  all.  For  if,
                                                                                     being  sinners,  when  we  ac-
                                                                                     count  ourselves  to  be  what
                                                                                     we  are,  we  become  ri-
                                                                                     ghteous, as indeed the Publi-
                                                                                     can  did;  how  much  more,
                                                                                     when being righteous we ac-
                                                                                     count  ourselves  to  be  sin-
                                                                                           St. John Chrysostom

                                                                                     “What made our Lord Jesus
                                                                                     Christ lay aside his garments,
               “An angel fell from heaven without any other   gird himself with a towel, and, pouring water into a
        passion except pride, and so we may ask whether it is  basin, begin to wash the feet of those who were below
        possible to ascend to Heaven by humility alone, wit-  Him (John 13:4, etc.), if not to teach us humility? For
        hout any other of the virtues.”                       it was humility He showed us by example of what He
                       St. John Climacus                      then did. And indeed those who want to be accepted
                                                              into the foremost rank cannot achieve this otherwise
               “At the Last Judgment the righteous will be re-  than through humility; for in the beginning the thing
        cognized only by their humility and their considering  that caused downfall from heaven was a movement
        themselves worthless, and not by good deeds, even if  of pride. So, if a man lacks extreme humility, if he is
        they have done them. This is the true attitude.”      not humble with all his heart, all his mind, all his spirit,
                       St. Peter of Damascus                  all his soul and body - he will not inherit the kingdom
                                                              of God.”
               “A man who is truly humble is not troubled                   St. Anthony the Great
        when he is wronged and he says nothing to justify
        himself against the injustice, but he accepts slander
        as truth; he does not attempt to persuade men that
        he is calumniated, but he begs forgiveness.”
                       St. Isaac the Syrian

               "Consider  well,  brethren,  how  great  is  the
        power of humility. Consider how great is the spiritual
        energy behind saying, `Pardon me.' Why is the devil
        called not only `enemy,' but also `adversary'? He is cal-
        led `enemy' because he is a hater of man, one who
        hates what is good, a traitor; and `adversary,' because
        he always puts obstacles in the way of good. If so-
        meone wants to pray he puts obstacles in the way
        through evil suspicions, shameful thoughts, and spiri-
        tual torpor. If a man wants to give alms he obstructs
        it through avarice or procrastination. If a man wants
        to keep vigil he obstructs it with hesitations or lazi-
        ness. In every single thing he is against us when we
        desire to do good. This is why he is called the enemy
        and the adversary and why, by lowliness, all his at-
        tacks and devices are brought to nothing."
                       St. Dorotheos of Gaza

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