Page 11 - tajccHpm&if;tif;ynmtwGuf R
P. 11
Why is Level of Measurement
• It helps you how to interpret the data from that
• It is associated with the type of statistical method
• Higher levels of measurement provide more
information than do lower levels
• In general, you should use the highest level of
measurement possible. Eg. actual age in years,
not age group.
Characteristics of Measurement Scale
Permissible statistics
Descriptive Inferential
Brand numbers, percentages, chi-square,
Nominal Store types, sex mode binomial test
Preferences rankings percentile, rank correlation,
Market position, median ANOVA
Ordinal Social class
temperature, range, mean, correlation
IQ score, std dev t-test, ANOVA,
Interval Index number regression,
factor analysis
Age, income, ALL CV, ALL
Costs, sales,
Ratio Market shares