Page 17 - JDRF Detroit Program Book 2022
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My name is Brooke, I am 16-years-old and I am in 11th grade. I enjoy doing
gymnastics and I am on the high school team. I also enjoy spending time Fund A Cure is a unique opportunity to donate directly to research and help fund the science that is
with my friends and family. I want to raise awareness about T1D because I transforming lives. Every dollar raised through Fund A Cure gets us closer to a world without type 1
want others to know and understand more about this illness and how it effects diabetes (T1D).
young people. I hope to help others learn about the impact of T1D and for
them to understand that we are no different than other teenagers. I want How Fund A Cure Works:
others to know more about JDRF in my community so they can participate in • During the Fund A Cure portion of the program, the auctioneer will introduce and explain Fund A Cure.
helping to raise money for research to find a cure. • The auctioneer will call out various funding levels in descending order.
• When you hear the level at which you wish to make a contribution, simply raise your bid card until your
To view and bid on Brooke’s Youth Ambassador package, please see number is recorded. If your preferred level was not called in the ballroom, please contact a JDRF staff
package #3005 in the online auction.
• If you can’t make the Promise Ball in-person, you can still donate at
Jessie was diagnosed with Type 1 three weeks after her 9th birthday, and fast
forward 8 years and she is now a 17 year old Junior at Seaholm. She loves sports
and plays volleyball, hockey, & lacrosse for her school. She fills other spare time
reading, hanging with her cats, and fighting with her brothers. Her OneWalk team
‘Jessie’s Jamboree’ has been a family tradition since she was diagnosed.
Lola Weber is 16 years old and lives in Birmingham, Michigan, where she attends DetroitPromiseBall2022
Seaholm High School. She was diagnosed in the Summer of 2014, and imme-
diately became an advocate for Type One Diabetes. With the help of her Mom,
Dad and younger sister, Emma, the Lollie-Pops, have been the top fundraising Please consider supporting our Fund A Cure at the highest level possible, and know that your generous
family walk team since its inception. Lola has been a JDRF Youth Ambassodor contribution will help accelerate the progress down the path to improving lives and curing T1D. Your Fund A
since 2016 was a member of the 2017 JDRF Children’s Congress. When not
promoting awareness on behalf of JDRF, Lola loves to draw and paint and is a Cure donation is 100% tax-deductible.
member of both her high school varsity basketball and softball teams.
To view and bid on Jessie & Lola’s Youth Ambassador package, please see We would like to extend our gratitude to those who have made their Fund A Cure donations
package #3006 in the online auction. in advance. You are the reason for our success. Together we can create a world without T1D.
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