Page 4 - Litter Toolkit
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Welcome to the Keep Wales Tidy Litter Toolkit for young people to make positive environmental changes
schools. to their school and wider community, while building
on their key skills and encompassing Education for
This Toolkit has been created to help schools Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship.
identify and tackle litter issues in and around school
grounds, providing guidance on developing anti-litter Eco-Schools is student-led, which means young
campaigns and positive behaviour change. people drive and deliver the programme. They
investigate, monitor and evaluate their actions
Keep Wales Tidy believes that it is important for through the international seven step process to bring
young people to be educated in litter prevention. about positive behaviour change.
Littering should be perceived as an unacceptable
behaviour and through education, investigation and Litter is one of eight interlinked Eco-Schools topics.
pupil voice, young people can be supported to make a The objectives for this topic are to:
• Show that litter is an environmental issue, locally
The activities included in this toolkit can also support and globally
schools through their Eco-Schools journey and the • Put a litter policy into place
work produced can be used as evidence towards • Demonstrate that litter prevention and reduction
gaining Eco-Schools accreditation. is an ongoing process that involves all members
of the school community
What is Eco-Schools? • Regard litter clearing as positive environmental
Eco-Schools is an international environmental • Show pupils that litter prevention improves
education programme developed by the Foundation the environmental quality of the school, the
for Environmental Education (FEE). More than 60 neighbourhood and the planet
countries around the world run Eco-Schools and here
in Wales it is managed by Keep Wales Tidy.
For more information on Eco-Schools
The programme is designed to empower and inspire visit the Keep Wales Tidy website Let’s go