Page 6 - Litter Toolkit
P. 6


          National perspective

        In 2016, Wales led the way with the Well-being of
        Future Generations (WFG) Act – a law which aims
        to make Wales a better place to live, now and in the                                                               01
                                                                                                          A globally
        future.                                                                                 07        responsible
        Wales is one of the first countries to introduce such a                                                            A prosperous Wales
        law.                                                                             A Wales of
                                                                                       vibrant culture
                                                                                        and thriving
        Public bodies must work together towards the seven                             Welsh language
        Well-being Goals, to make things better, including all                                                                               02
        local authorities and schools.                                             06                         FUTURE

        Taking action to tackle litter issues runs through a                                              GENERATIONS                 A resilient Wales
        number of these goals, particularly a healthier Wales,                                                    ACT
        a Wales of cohesive communities, and a globally
        responsible Wales.                                                                 A Wales of
                                                                                      cohesive communities
        As citizens of Wales and the world we should think                                                                   A healthier  03
        about how connected our lives are, how we can work                                05
        together in decision making, how to stop problems                                                                      Wales
        happening in the first place and the effect of our                                             A more equal Wales
        actions for the future.

                                                                                                     For more on WFG Act visit the Future          Let’s go
                                                                                                     Generations Commissioner website
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