Page 30 - End of year report 2022-2023, Eco-Schools Wales
P. 30
Outputs Target Total
Number of registered Eco-Schools progressing one award level 115 147
(not including platinum renewals)
Number of platinum schools renewing their award 350 365
Number of exemplar case studies produced 24 24
Number of primary educators attending a training event 385 388
Number of secondary/ALN/PRU educators attending a training 35 52
Number of primary classes attending a pupil workshop (not 450 717
including the National Eco Committee)
Number of secondary/SEN/PRU classes attending a pupil 20 20
workshop (not including the Senior Eco Committee)
Number of schools attending a National/ Senior Eco Committee 80 85
To develop the Climate Action Advanced Skills Baccalaureate To be Resource
completed completed
and piloted
Increase engagement with young people on Instagram Increase to 13%
Produce six inspirational newsletters with a different theme 6 6
Produce a set of resources to support learning around the Circular Resources Complete
Economy for all age groups complete
Collate resource pack for climate change training and share with Shared Collated
educators with 50 and shared
educators with Carbon
To collaborate with partner organisations over the year 6 9
To highlight and share inspirational international Eco-Schools 6 6
case studies with schools in Wales