Page 26 - End of year report 2022-2023, Eco-Schools Wales
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Newsletter the path, by installing bird boxes and creating
The Eco-Schools Wales newsletter continues minibeast habitats. (They have now adopted
to share case studies from Eco-Schools from the path under the Keep Wales Tidy’s Litter Free
around the world including Malta, Portugal, Zones initiative.)
Switzerland, and Scotland.
The enthusiastic eco committee represented
Running Out of Time Eco-Schools Wales, as a dedicated platinum
Running Out of Time was the longest non- award school, determined to improve the
stop relay ever attempted with runners and sustainability of their school and their local
cyclists passing a baton containing a powerful community. On the day the baton passed,
climate change message from young people to the school were out litter picking the path in
the decision makers at COP27. Representing preparation and were ready to cheer on the
Eco-Schools Wales along the route were baton carrier, who for this leg was Keep Wales
Tonysguboriau Primary School in RCT. The baton, Tidy Education Officer, Aimee Hallett. Pupils
enroute to Egypt, passed along a community then got to hold a replica of the baton and meet
path by the school - a stretch of which the the Running Out of Time team to share their
school have been dedicated to looking after thoughts and opinions relating to COP27.
for several years. They regularly litter pick it
and have helped improve biodiversity along