Page 8 - End of year report 2022-2023, Eco-Schools Wales
P. 8

Collaborating  with  Healthy  Schools. We have  Developing of specific resources which support
      attended  their  secondary  PSE/Healthy  School  the delivery  of Eco-Schools  in  a secondary
      coordinators  meetings.  In  these  meetings  we  school, to be shared with whole staff at INSET
      have raised awareness of the positive impact on  to show how the curriculum can support Eco-
      students’ wellbeing that engagement with the  Schools rather than be an add on.
      Eco-Schools  programme  has, as it encourages
      pupil voice and enables young people to take  Collaboration with WWF Cymru and partners to

      action in light of climate anxiety. We have also  deliver workshops for secondary students both
      mapped Eco-Schools criteria against the Healthy  online and in person linked to climate.
      Schools environment chapter criteria to enable
      schools to progress with both awards.

      Climate Conversations
      A  resource  for  sixth  form  students,  titled  students can gain two qualifications in one go.
      ‘Climate  Conversations’  has  been  prepared  The course will support students to then inform

      and  is  undergoing  accreditation  with  the  and engage younger pupils within their school
      Carbon Literacy Trust. This extensive resource is  and  wider community to encourage  them to
      designed to be undertaken asynchronously by  engage in taking positive action for the climate.
      students over six sessions, with support offered
      from Keep Wales Tidy staff at periods during the  We are really excited about this project, and it
      course.                                                has grown since first inception. We have schools
                                                             lined up to pilot the resources over the summer
      ‘Climate  Conversations’  will  link  in  with  the  term to adjust and be ready for full launch in
      Welsh Baccalaureate  advanced level so that  September 2023.

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