Page 3 - Copy of July Newsletter
P. 3
Tony Marshall
Congratulations to the newly crowned Member
Member Champions: Jim Clopton & Kevin Kaz, Stacey
Grier & Mary Schuh.
In June, we hosted the 1st of the Sonoma County
Ladies’ Matches and enjoyed having so many new
and old friends visiting us; this month, the match is at
Mayacama. The NCGA 12 man continues to play well
with a win against Meadow Club at Sonoma, best
wishes to them for future competitions.
We look forward to hosting many events in July; our
main event is the Couples Club Championship on July
17th. We also have some fun golf planned in the
form of “Red, White & Blue Twilight” on July 2nd,
and the Family Scramble on the 31st. If you have not
signed up yet, there is still time; please do so by
contacting the golf shop at 707-939-4115.
We have water for drinking on every three holes for
hydration; with the extreme temperatures, we are
experiencing, please be sure to take on plenty of
hydration when playing.
Tony Marshall
Head Golf Professional