Page 263 - Demo
P. 263
Notes to financial statements
for the year ended March 31, 2020
As on March 31, 2019
Sr Type of Restructuring No. Asset Classification
Others Substandard Doubtful
Total Substandard Doubtful
(` in 000's) Loss Total
1 Restructured Accounts as on
1/04/2018 of the FY (opening
no. of Borrowers Amount outstanding provision thereon no. of Borrowers Amountoutstanding provision thereon no. of Borrowers Amount outstanding provision thereon
- - -
232 - 6,742 - 2,626 - 1,724 3
1 39 39 1 260 260 - - -
233 6,781 2,665 23,831 436,772 29,386 - - -
- - -
232 - 6,742 - 2,626 - 1,724 3
1 233 39 6,781 39 2,665
2 Fresh restructuring during
the year
22,103 407,534 20,377 - - -
22,103 407,534 20,377 - - -
1 23,831 260 436,772 260 29,386
3 up gradation to restructured standard category during the year
28,830 148 8,630 119 - - - - - -
28,830 148 8,630 119 - - - - - -
- - - - - -
4 Restructured standard advances which cease to attract higher provisioning and / or additional risk weight at the end of the FY and hence need not
no. of Borrowers Amountoutstanding
- -
- - - -
- -
- -
- -
- - - -
- - - -
be shown as restructured standard advances at the beginning of the next FY
5 Downgradations of restructured accounts during the year
provision thereon
no. of Borrowers Amount outstanding provision thereon
no. of Borrowers Amount outstanding provision thereon
no. of Borrowers Amount outstanding provision thereon
no. of Borrowers Amount Outstanding provision thereon
- -
6 Increase/Decrease in existing restructured accounts during the year
- (128,453) (6,423) (6,367) (41,603) (2,080)
-- (136,557) (128,453) (8,891) (6,423) (1) (7,374) (6,367) (39) (51,616) (41,603) (39) (5,694) (2,080)
7 Write-offs/fully repaid of restructured accounts during the year
(39) (51,616) (39) (5,694)
8 Restructured Accounts as on 31/03/2019 (closing figures)
15,619 235,846 11,792
1 16,690 15,619 260 254,628 235,846 260 20,090 11,792
1 16,690 260 254,628 260 20,090
- (117) (1,632) (82)
- - 29 88 (2,762) 3,642 (560) 3,266 - - (8,104) - (2,468) - (1,006) - (9,974) - (3,575) - 979 91 14,732 3,790 4,653 3,385
- - - - - - -
- (117) (752) (1,632) 2,624 (82)
- - 29 88 (2,762) 3,642 (560) 3,266 - - (8,104) - (2,468) - (1,006) - (9,974) - (3,575) - 979 91 14,732 3,790 4,653 3,385
- - - - - (752) - 2,624 - - - (136,557) - (8,891) (1) (7,374)