Page 45 - Demo
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GRoUp LoanS
Our group loans are delivered through Joint Liability Group (JLG) model. It increased by 12% over last year’s portfolio. Under this unit, we launched a new variant – the Top-Up loan (for short-term needs), that is disbursed within a day; and is among the fastest services in the industry.
1-dAY disbursal
With Top-Up Loan, making it one of the fastest service standards in the industry
During the year, Group Loan’s Outstanding Principal (GL-OSP) was at `8,971 Crores.
individUaL LoanS
These loans are primarily targeted at those long-term group loan customers with a repayment track
RURaL BankinG
We reinforced our presence in our existing markets of rural Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, West Bengal, Odisha and Gujarat with innovative and exciting products. During the
year, we added 21 new branches
in the unbanked areas, taking our total count of such centres to 144. Simultaneously, we also forayed into new markets of rural Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh.
During FY 2019-20, our Agri group loans and Kisan Suvidha loans
record who are ready to graduate to individual loans. The portfolio grew by 60% during FY 2019-20, and reached 13.3% of the total MicroBanking portfolio against 9.4% in the previous year. We have streamlined our documentation and backend processes for greater efficiency and significantly reduced our disbursement Turnaround Time (TAT).
During the year, Individual Loan’s Outstanding Principal (IL-OSP) was at `1,373 Crores.
focusing on small and marginal farmers have increased. They are now extended to regular branches with rural catchment areas. With the deployment of handheld devices, we are efficiently augmenting the deposit base and providing innovative value-added services to our customers.
During the year, Rural Loan’s Outstanding Principal (RL-OSP) was at `589 Crores.
kisan pragati card
We launched a new agri secure product, kisan pragati card, which offers an innovative and holistic financial solution to farmers. it covers their credit requirement for the agriculture and allied needs.
We also initiated kisan
pragati club, comprising 15-20 volunteer farmers across 35 branches to promote customer engagement, disseminate the principles of development through credit and inculcate better repayment ethics.