Page 19 - Bahasa-Inggris-BS-KLS-X
P. 19

C.   Instructional Objectives

                                                                  Instructional Objectives
                 These are objectives set
                                                                After learning the materials in this chapter you are expected
                                                                to be able to:
                 for you to achieve upon                        1.  identify context, main ideas and detailed information
                                                                  from an oral and verbal descriptive text presented in
                                                                  multimodal form about great athletes.
                 completing the chapter. These                  2.  communicate  simple  ideas  and  opinions  in various
                                                                  discussions, collaborative activities, and presentations
                                                                  orally to describe great athletes.
                 objectives serve as the guide                  3.   write  a descriptive  text about an athlete  with  an
                                                                  appropriate  structure  of  organization  and  linguistic
                                                                  features and present it.
                 for you. They are adjusted to
                 the type of text genre taught in                 Do You Know?
                 each of the chapters.                          Descriptive  text is  a text that explains  and  describes  a
                                                                person,  place,  or  thing.  It  uses  adjectives  and  adverbs.  It
                                                                aims to describe a person, place or thing. It consists of the
                                                                identiication of a person, place or thing and their description.

                                                                4  Bahasa Inggris Work in Progress untuk SMA/SMK/MA Kelas X

                                                       D.  Questions to Think About
                     Questions to Think About
                   1.  Who do you think is a great athlete?
                                                       The set of questions are
                   2.  Do you believe that sports shape your virtues? Why?
                                                       constructed to orient you
                       Task 1
                    A  Look and Discuss
                                                       to what they will learn
                   Guess Who!
                                                       in the chapter.

                                                       E.  Tasks
                         Picture 1.1 Silhouette of a basketball player
                   Look at the pictures below. Do you know them?
                                                       This section presents materials

                                                       and activities you need to do
                                                       to achieve the instructional
                   Picture 1.2 Anthony Sinisuka Ginting  Picture 1.3 Aries Susanti Rahayu
                    Source: fauziananta/wikimedia commons/   Source: fpti/ (2018)
                                                       objectives set. There are
                       CC-BY-4.0 (2018)
                                  Chapter 1 Great Athletes  5
                                                       seven tasks in each chapter
                                                       which organize the materials
                                                       and activities from spoken
                                                       discourse to written one.

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