Page 20 - Bahasa-Inggris-BS-KLS-X
P. 20

F.    Chapter Review
                                                                     Chapter Review
                   This section is aimed for you                  Q:  What do you think are two most important traits that should
                                                                    be owned by great athletes?
                   to carry out chapter mastery
                                                                  Q:  What are two physical descriptions that you use to describe
                   checking by themselves.                        A:   Cristiano Ronaldo?
                                                                  Q:  Mention two facts about Cristiano Ronaldo that you believe
                                                                    make him a great athlete.
                                                                  Q:  What  are  three  descriptive  words  that  you  use  the  most
                                                                    when drawing a person?
                                                                  Q:  How did you start your descriptive paragraph? What did you
                                                                    write in the introduction part of a descriptive paragraph?
                                                                  Q:  What information did  you  have/put in the  paragraph  to
                                                                    describe a person?

                                                                  20  Bahasa Inggris Work in Progress untuk SMA/SMK/MA Kelas X

                                                       G.   Relection
                     Q:  Write two sentences that you used in your paragraph when
                       you describe physical appearance.
                                                       This is the section in which
                     Q:  Write two sentences that you used in your paragraph when
                       you describe personality.
                     A:                                you relect on what you learn
                     Comment:                          from the chapter; which area of
                      Relection                        the materials you believe you
                      Please relect on the chapter. Write your relection in the box.    have grasped well and that you
                      The following questions are your guide.
                      1.   How did you feel about this chapter?
                                                       need to learn more and better.
                      2.   Name three things you learned.
                      3.   Do you have a question about this chapter?
                                                       Your relection may serve as an
                                                       important input for teachers on
                                                       the materials explained and how

                                                       you explained them so that you
                                                       can do it better for the beneit of
                                    Chapter 1 Great Athletes  21

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