Page 16 - May 2023 Track N Times
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Congratulations Jorge Liebes, Maintenance Specialist-2, Specialized Maintenance for being
recognized with an Operational Excellence Coin in April by Shea Oelfke, Manager, Fleet
Jorge has stepped up into a leadership role during a time of transition in the blue iron fleet. He has risen to the
occasion time and time again without hesitation. The mechanics and operators look to him for advice and leader-
ship. He tackles every task with a positive attitude and the goal of doing excellent work. He looks out for the
fleet as a whole and makes sure to pass on any knowledge he may gain or have with fellow mechanics and opera-
Jorge always takes responsibility for everyone’s safety when he is on site. He assumes responsibilities for others
mistakes and ensures the problems are resolved keeping a positive spin on things to keep our customers happy
and avoid delay. Jorge always picks up the phone when called to be of assistance in any way he can. I am thankful
to have Jorge on my team and more importantly Loram’s team. This coin is a small token of my appreciation so
thanks Jorge!
Congratulations John Park, Senior Technician, Tech Services Groupfor being recognized
with an Operational Excellence Coin in April by Nathan Moyer, Manager, Measurement
and Automation
John was recently instrumental in the commissioning of data collection systems on a whopping 71 material han-
dling cars. John went above and beyond the call of duty extending his trip multiple times to ensure all available
material handling cars were commissioned in one trip. His work on each individual car included updating the
PLC, imaging the data collection computer, and commissioning Verizon cellular data plan.
We are happy to recognize John for his incredible work ethic and drive to project completion.
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