Page 3 - May 2023 Track N Times
P. 3


           I.C.A.R.E. About Your Safety

           By Zebediah Dintelman, Manager Rail Grinding

          For those of you who regularly check your email (assuming you do if you’re reading this highly anticipated issue
          of “Track N’ Times”) you have probably notice “Because  I.C.A.R.E  About  Your  Safety.”    This obvious, yet
          clever play on words incorporates Loram’s Core Values and reinforces our safety message all while rebranding
          the Because I.C.A.R.E slogan.
          So, what does “Because I.C.A.R.E About Your Safety.” mean?

          Let’s get a little personal first….
          When we first introduced “Because I.C.A.R.E About Your Safety.”  I sat back and thought about the reasons I
          work safe. The reason why I care about my own safety.  The reasons why I need to return home safe. The rea-
          son why my ability to work and provide for my family is important.

          So, why do I choose to work safe?
          Family  /  Friends  –  Those  who  know  me,
          know that I am extremely tight with my family
          and friends. Whether it be playing soccer with
          my  nephew,  road  tripping  with  my  childhood
          best  friend,  or  listening to  stories  told by  my
          85-year-old grandfather, I have always had peo-
          ple in my life that expect me to return home

          Hobbies  –  As an avid outdoorsman, it takes
          great vision, phenomenal hearing, and effortless
          mobility  to  enjoy  the  outdoors  to  the  fullest.
          With hands, eyes, and soft tissue injuries being
          the top three types of injuries at Loram in re-
          cent years, unsafe actions could jeopardize my
          ability  to  enjoy  my  passion  of  the  great  out-
          Loram  /  Expectations  – As roadway work-
          ers, it is our responsibility to work safe, pro-
          tect one another, and hold each other account-
          able in the event of a safety violation.  Unsafe
          work can lead to financial instability due to dis-
          ciplinary  measures,  or  more  importantly  the          My Reasons to Work Safe!!
          inability to provide for one’s family if incapaci-
          tated due to injury or death.

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