Page 6 - May 2023 Track N Times
P. 6
5-Step Continued
Within the context of workplace safety and health, occurrences of harm stem from hazard exposure
experienced in the workplace and the ambient environment. These exposures include inhalation or
contact with hazardous chemicals, unguarded machinery, fire and explosion situations, and environmen-
tal pollutants. Therefore, a more comprehensive definition of risk could be “the measure of the proba-
bility that exposure to a hazard will result in a negative consequence.” Risks are acceptable if they are
judged to be tolerable (“acceptable risk”). Minimum risk is achieved when all risks deriving from hazards
are at a realistic minimum. Minimum risk does not mean zero risk, which may not be attainable. Safety
is defined as that state for which the risks are judged to be acceptable.
Traditional hazard analysis has long advocated the identification and evaluation of all hazards. However,
the risk reduction process is not completed until tolerable risk is achieved. When workers have a basic
understanding of hazards and can assign risk to those hazards, they will not be overwhelmed and can
focus on performing their tasks safely.
At Loram, this risk assessment and hazard analysis is called the 5-Step. Utilize the 5-Step to reduce ex-
posure to hazards. There is no reason an employee should be working with uncontrolled risks unless
absolutely necessitated by the task being performed.
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