Page 21 - December 2022 Track N Times
P. 21
Andrew Bell, Machine Operator-2, RG402
Tell me a little more about how you started with Loram, how did
you hear about the job, which positions you’ve held?
I was hired by Loram in January 2021. I’ve known about Loram since I saw one of their
machines grinding down in Burbank Jct. in Los Angeles in the early 2000's. I knew more
about the company when I was a conductor with the Union Pacific Railroad, mainly
passing by them in a siding as I took a train to its next destination.
Since I’ve been with Loram, I started out on RG406 as a GL on Maintenance, then got
moved over to Operations. I went to the RIV’S when there were 2 Loram employees
on them, but didn’t feel at home on them. I asked Miguel to go back to a Mainline
Grinder after my rotation on RIV11.
After my time off, I went to RG402, got my Machine Operator 1, and started training
to be an Op 2, which I am currently on RG402.
What do you enjoy most about working at Loram?
One of the things I like most about working for Loram is getting to see new sights, new towns, different place and people. Espe-
cially trying out the local food’s that places are known for.
What is your favorite memory from this past year?
My favorite memory from the past year was the birth of my second daughter. Not only was I able to be there for her, but able
to take the time off to bond with her.
Where is your hometown and what is the best thing about it?
I live in Pocatello, Idaho, the gateway to the PNW (Pacific Northwest). What I love about Pocatello, it's not too big, not too far
from the mountains, or the river. And if my family and I want to go anywhere major, Salt Lake City is only 2 hours from there.
Do you have any hobbies?
I do a lot of hunting and fishing. Also just purchased my first home, so I’ve got a lot of projects I can do now.
What is the biggest challenge you face on the road and how does it affect your life?
Biggest challenge I face on the road is being a father. My oldest daughter is 2 and a half years old and is starting to understand
that dad isn’t home all the time. When I call home she always asks when Dadda come home. My wife helps tremendously with
those challenges on the road. Knowing that my kids are loved and taken care of when I’m gone, and that as they grow older,
they will always know I am there for them.
What is the best advice anyone has given you, and who was it from?
Best advice ever given to me was one of my dad’s friends who he worked with on the Southern Pacific Railroad and Amtrak.
Told me as a kid to never give up, especially with my dreams and to have thick skin. There are always going to be people out
there that will try to bring you down.
What advice would you give a new employee at Loram?
Best advice I could give is absorb everything your taught like a sponge. Stick it out, it’s like any other place, there are going to
be bad times, but there are also going to be a lot of great times.
How do you pass time when you get a day off?
Mostly laundry and reading books. I pack a mini library with me when I travel. But, if we are in an area that’s worth exploring, I
won’t hesitate to go out and take in the sights.
Continued Page 19
Page 19 DECEMBER 2022