Page 4 - November 2022 Track N Times
P. 4


          Safety Navigating Winter Months Continued

               have is an emergency kit. What if we were to break down in a remote area with no cell service? We
               are certainly going to want to have the right supplies to stay warm until help arrives.
           5.  Pay attention to weather forecasts – These will help you to better prepare for the next day’s activi-
               ties. They can provide insight into how you should dress and whether there will be any snow etc.
           6.  Keep your clothes clean – Clean clothes have more air spaces between the threads which makes for
               good insulators against body heat loss. This is just a good practice to help avoid such things as the
               accumulation of grind dust (in the grinding world) on clothing which can present hazards to eyes as it
               breaks free.
           Safety is of the utmost importance in our day-to-day duties at Loram. By allowing ourselves to be com-
           fortable in the winter months, we allow ourselves to better focus on the tasks at hand without constant-
           ly thinking “I’m cold, I wish we could just get this done quickly”. So, lets all take the time to better equip
           ourselves to work in these winter months and be warm while doing so. Please keep an eye on your team
           members and look out for one another. As a team, we can safely navigate the winter and be successful
           while doing it.

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         VOLUME 3 : ISSUE 10
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