Page 7 - November 2022 Track N Times
P. 7
Let Your Engines Breath
Air filters are another key component to en-
gine health. There are many ways to protect So what did you do when your respirator was
an engine with air filters. Sometimes we see dirty or clogged? I would bet you changed fil-
only one air filter protecting the engine espe- ters or grabbed a new one.
cial with our smaller engine packages, other Your engine needs new air filters regularly also
times you will have a primary and a secondary so it can get the oxygen it needs to run
air filter to protect the engine from the ex- smoothly and not have to work so hard.
treme elements our equipment face daily. Change your air filters often, depending on
Grinders create tons of grind dust, most dirt conditions it may be daily, weekly or monthly.
equipment creates just that a bunch of dirt in It won’t hurt to change them early, the cost of
the air, silicates and other dust particles that an engine far exceeds the cost of a few extra
damage engines the same way they can dam- filters by being ahead of the game.
age your lungs if not protected. Keeping your engines cool and breathing well,
will make your job easier, less down time, few-
Have you ever had a respirator on that was er major repairs. Doing these simple preventa-
clogged? Did it make it harder to do your tive tasks will help lead to a safer work envi-
work because it was more difficult for you to ronment.
breath? Your engine feels the same way.
Page 5 NOVEMBER 2022